On 01st of Sep, Lt Col SBH Ottevaere Serge took an early retirement from the Armed Forces. Serge is a life long pistol shooter. After leaving the Mil academy in the eighties, he entered the Mil Pistol Team. Serge did well in the team. Every year he climbed higher in the team ranking. He made it into the team selection for Mil World Championships. In the nineties he became our pistol coach. In 1997, due to his career evolution, he had to leave the team. But he kept following us. Later, in Sep 2005, he came back as “Chief of Mission”.
Unfortunately due to health problems, he could not participate in last Mil World Championship last August in Zagreb. He’s at home recovering from his operation now. But, to beat his disease, he still has a long way to go. Hopefully everything comes out all right.
Unfortunately due to health problems, he could not participate in last Mil World Championship last August in Zagreb. He’s at home recovering from his operation now. But, to beat his disease, he still has a long way to go. Hopefully everything comes out all right.