dinsdag 18 december 2012

Pistol Team on the 47th CISM WMSC at Guangzhou (China)

The Championship was held at Guangzhou, in the Guangdong province, one of the most economically advanced provinces of China. Hongkong and Macau are nearby.
In pistol were present: 26 teams + 8 individuals Men (111 shooters), and 17 teams women + 8 individuals (59 shooters). Lt Vl Leurs Eline could not participate because she on a course in the Netherlands till end of Dec. The Chinese organisation was perfect.
The Belgian Pistol Results:
  1. 25m Center Fire Pistol
    Adjt Pirotte: 552 Pts (272+280)
    1CC Haenebalcke: 547 Pts (271+276)
    1QC Michiels: 546 Pts (276+270)
    AJM Marique: 540 Pts (273+267)
    Team: 1645 Pts, 19th/26
  2. 25m Mil Rapid Fire Pistol
    Adjt Pirotte: 549 Pts (188+181+180)
    AJM Marique: 543 Pts (182+186+175)
    1CC Haenebalcke: 543 Pts (184+187+172)
    1QC Michiels: 530 Pts (186+180+164)
    Team: 1635 Pts, 19th/26