zondag 15 mei 2011

R-CISM SHOOTING SUI (THUN) 2011 - Pistol Team

As last year, the shooting took place in THUN and lodging in LYSS. Long days were the result of this organisation. Ten nations participated in the pistol events: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Switserland Sweden and Turkey.
Norway came out as best shooting nation and the best pistol shooter was Turkish. Belgium came out on the 7th place. AJM Marique was able the get into the individual CISM Final in Pistol (10 Best). He ranked himself in 8th place. Adjt Pirotte shot a New Personal Best in CF with 562 Pts. 1CC Hooghe stayed below expectations.
  1. CF Team: 1643 Pts - 8th Pl
    AJM Marique 556 Pts (277+279) - 9x
    Adjt Pirotte 552 Pts (270+282) - 12x
    1CC Hooghe 535 Pts (266+269) - 6x
  2. CF Indiv (Best 20 shooters only)
    Adjt Pirotte 562 Pts - 11x (10th Pl), New Personal Best
    AJM Marique 560 Pts - 9x (11th Pl)
  3. MRF Team:1648 Pts - 6th Pl
    AJM Marique 569 Pts (192+190+187) - 8x, Best 2011
    Adjt Pirotte 562 Pts (189+192+181) - 11x
    1CC Hooghe 517 Pts (180+173+164) - 9x
  4. MRF Indiv (Best 20 shooters only)
    AJM Marique 567 Pts (190+191+186) - 6x (7th Pl)
    Adjt Pirotte 542 Pts (183+189+170) - 9x (19th Pl)
  5. CISM Pistol Final
    AJM Marique 1214 Pts (8th Pl)

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