Plzen was, once again, the hosting city for this regional competition and this for the 20th time: A jubilee version, however with a uncertain future. As the town becomes bigger, more and more houses are being build nearer to the military shooting range of "DUKLA PILSEN". The new citizens, building in the rural surroundings of the military shooting range, can't bare the noise of guns. So, the shooting range has to reduce the noise. Big bore competitions, like our tournament, will no longer be possible, unless measures in noise reduction are realized. Therefore, the Czech Army decided not to organize this tournament in 2011 and study possible adaptations to the infrastructure, in order to fulfil to the civilian demands. This story sounds familiar to us. In Belgium, many shooting facilities have been closed down for the same reason. It's the world upside-down: people buy cheap grounds for building (because of the presence of a shooting range) and than complain about the noise. Although the shooting ranges were there first, they get what they want.
Over to our results in the competition now:
1. Pistol team
- CF
AJM Marique: 543 & 556 Pts
1CC Hooghe: 537 & 540 Pts
Adjt Pirotte: 535 & 542 Pts
1CC Haenebalcke: 537 & 529 Pts
AJM Marique: 564 & 563 Pts
1CC Hooghe: 547 & 544 Pts
Adjt Pirotte: 540 & 548 Pts
1CC Haenebalcke: 543 & 533 Pts
2. Rifle team
Adjt Aspers: 545 & 540 Pts
Cpl Baiocchi: 527 & 533 Pts
Adjt Van Herreweghe: 522 & 535 Pts New Personal Records
1Sgt Wets: 495 & 514 Pts
Adjt Aspers: 522 Pts
Cpl Baiocchi: 517 Pts
Adjt Van Herreweghe: 494 Pts
1Sgt Wets: 487 Pts
A few of our new shooters got the opportunity of shooting on an international level. They learned a lot.
We have to congratulate Bart for his performance in Standard Rifle. In his first international competition, he set a new personal record, twice in a row.
Another newbie, Patrick Haenebalcke, did well in his first tournament.
It's clear that, the road to high performances is still long for them, but they made the first step successfully.
Pictures of the tournament can be found on:
More results will soon be available on:
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